Kadie DiCarlo


Kadie Dicarlo’s current body of work, titled Apathetic Nervous System, depicts first-hand proof of tangled somatic experiences.

Each frame is an attempt to resolve/comprehend her physical and mental unease by painting a snapshot of her inner body. Color, dynamic line, knots + brooding atmosphere appear in Kadie’s mental landscapes, representing cognitive rumination of mysterious bodily sensation.

Dealing with frayed nerves and  bouts of brain health dis-orders, she is forced to reckon with the realization that her environment is not conducive to optimal health.
Chronicling her own experiences in navigating healthcare systems, Kadie’s work elucidates a broader reality: in the face of ineffective socio-economic systems, mediated by government structures, citizens become apathetic to the idea of ever living in a world that nourishes their bodily system.