Heidi Brueckner

Inherently, we are interested in observing others as a way of understanding ourselves. My work is inspired by this curiosity and allows the viewer to participate. These works are individualistic narratives which explore personage through self-presentation, facial expressions, and gesture. They often inspect the under-revered, and appreciate the subject’s presence and dignity, giving pause to honor the person.

The aesthetic is assertive and the color is divorced from naturalism. Skin color is therefore eliminated which for me this is metaphorical for the hope that society aspires to, and achieves equality among races and other kinds of human differences. The work is meant to honor the entirety of humanity—not just one section of the population or kind of person.

With some of these works, I've been experimenting with texture and the physical quality of the surface through using alternative recycled materials such as pieced-together bubble mailers and paper bags. I've found them to be exciting and sturdy surfaces and believe these media add a uniquely interesting and environmentally friendly component to the work.